Picture of Dr. Michael Lindinger

Dr. Michael Lindinger, Ph.D.

Dr. Michael Lindinger is the President of Nutraceutical Alliance, overseeing all company operations and actively engaging in project management. With a wealth of expertise as a nutraceutical supplements design and regulatory specialist, Dr. Lindinger holds BSc and MSc degrees in comparative animal physiology and a PhD in medical sciences. Throughout his 25-year tenure as a professor at the University of Guelph, his research spanned human and animal physiology, nutrition, and nutraceuticals, resulting in over 130 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Dr. Lindinger’s focus over the past decade has centred on developing and utilizing nutraceutical ingredients and supplements for human and companion animal health. Notably, his research teams have contributed evidence-based research to numerous nutraceutical supplements on the market.

Dr. Lindinger’s expertise extends to advising clients on regulatory affairs and compliance, encompassing organizations such as the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO), the Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) of the FDA (GRAS notifications and exemptions), Canada’s Veterinary Health Products (VHP) program, the National Animal Supplements Council (NASC) program, and the European Union. He actively serves on the editorial boards of various animal and human life sciences journals, including the European Journal of Applied Physiology and Scientifica: Physiology.

Dr. Lindinger has successfully designed and executed research projects to assess the efficacy and bioavailability of nutraceutical products. He has supported clients in regulatory compliance, marketing, and GRAS applications and has been an expert witness in regulatory disputes. Furthermore, Dr. Lindinger aids clients in navigating regulatory submissions and compliance processes, negotiating label and claim considerations, facilitating research results publication, and educating marketing personnel.

He serves as a member of prominent industry organizations such as the National Animal Supplements Council and the American Association of Feed Control Officials.

Previously, Dr. Lindinger has held key positions, including Vice-President of The Nutraceutical Alliance and served on the editorial boards of reputable scientific journals. He was previously a Certified Personal Trainer with CanfitPro and held memberships with esteemed professional societies such as the American Physiological Society and the American College of Sports Medicine.

Dr. Lindinger’s academic journey includes a Medical Research Council of Canada Post-doc Fellowship at the Medical University of Hanover, Germany, and a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from McMaster University, specializing in human and animal muscle and whole body physiology.

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Contact us for more information on how the Nutraceutical Alliance can assist with developing, researching, or regulatory compliance for your company’s future nutraceutical product(s).